How Do Double-Decker Seats Look Like? Here is What You Need to Know

How Do Double-Decker Seats Look Like? Here is What You Need to Know

Alejandro Núñez Vicente, a 23-year-old airplane seat designer, believes that double-level seating holds the key to the future of economy flying, despite initial skepticism. Núñez Vicente gained widespread attention when his Chaise Longue Airplane Seat prototype went viral, sparking debates and reactions from curious passengers. Undeterred by the mixed reception, Núñez Vicente returned to the Aircraft Interiors Expo (AIX) in Hamburg, Germany, to showcase an updated version of his controversial design.

How Do Double-Decker Seats Look Like? Here is What You Need to Know
How Do Double-Decker Seats Look Like? Here is What You Need to Know

Núñez Vicente explains that innovation often faces resistance and criticism, but he sees it as an opportunity for publicity and growth. His concept originally emerged as a college project in 2021 and gained recognition when it was nominated for the prestigious Crystal Cabin Awards in the aviation industry. Motivated by this recognition, Núñez Vicente dedicated his time, resources, and efforts to transform his vision into a reality.

Contrary to misconceptions, Núñez Vicente clarifies that his goal is not to eliminate conventional airplane seating entirely. He envisions a cabin layout where the Chaise Longue is positioned in the center, surrounded by two rows of regular seats. He acknowledges that this design might not suit everyone but believes it could offer enhanced comfort for certain passengers, considering his own struggles with legroom during flights as a 6-foot-2-inch (1.88 meters) individual.

While Núñez Vicente emphasizes that solving the airplane seating challenge is his primary aim, he recognizes that airlines are interested in the increased passenger capacity the Chaise Longue offers. Although increasing headcount is not his main priority, he acknowledges the possibility with his design.

How Do Double-Decker Seats Look Like? Here is What You Need to Know
How Do Double-Decker Seats Look Like? Here is What You Need to Know

At this year’s Aircraft Interiors Expo, Núñez Vicente plans to gather feedback from industry professionals and travelers alike as they test his latest prototype. He values constructive criticism and aims to incorporate it into the development process.

Núñez Vicente has also collaborated with 3DSeatMap VR to showcase the Chaise Longue in the Metaverse, allowing virtual users to explore and evaluate the design in a simulated cabin environment. Additionally, he remains open to individuals, including famous personalities, reaching out to experience the Chaise Longue prototype firsthand and share their honest opinions.

Núñez Vicente’s unwavering dedication to his innovative concept exemplifies his belief that the double-level seating arrangement could revolutionize economy flying, providing improved comfort while addressing the industry’s needs.

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